Why do people drive like complete jerks! I saw the most ridiculous thing this morning. As we approached a traffic light, the light changed yellow, then red. Since this woman knew she could not make the light, she slowed down and stopped for the red light. Now get this. A truck, a blue Toyota T100, behind her honks his horn because he was annoyed that she did not make the light! He was going to follow her through the intersection knowing that when he was there the light would have been red!

It is a crying shame that we cannot police such assholes any better than we do. I wonder if this type of behavior occurs in smaller towns. In large cities this behavior has become the norm. I know of a guy who was nearly rear-ended at a light that had turned red. This guy had no intention of stopping. He swerved into a Right Turn Only lane and proceeded across the intersection against the red light! I wonder if the guy I saw this morning was the same guy from the other incident? Naw, different cities.

The next time you decide to stop for a red light, you better check your rear view mirror for the idiot with his own agenda.