Kids Killing Kids

Here we go again… another horrible shooting in a high school with two dead and more injured.  This time it was in Santee, California.  A community is trying to figure out what went wrong.

The teenager randomly shot anyone who was walking by.  It's horrible to hear about such things.

Friends of his heard him say he was going to bring a gun to school Monday, but did not tell anyone because the teenager ended with "just kidding".  Friends padded him to see if he had a gun on him and he didn't.  It was in his backpack that no one checked. It's a horrible situation.

Once again a community, a nation, wanting to know why did this have to happen.  As I see it in a nutshell… from the words everyone is saying… he was picked on.

Does this excuse his actions… of course not!  However I see a problem with our society.  If you do not fit in with the norm, you will be picked on and that's wrong! Does that mean you have the right to kill someone if you have been picked on one too many times… no!

Something has to be done though about being picked on or bullied.  This is an age-old problem.  The difference now is that instead of a bully beating up the picked on… the picked on is now killing people.

Hey adults!  Hey parents!  Try sitting down with your children at a young age, and continuously through their adolescence, and remind them of what a horrible thing it is to pick on children they do not like or understand.  Do not ridicule others.  Treat others the same way you want to be treated… with respect.  Hey what a concept.  We need to do a better job.  Oh and don't forget, stop yelling racial comments and profanities out your car window at drivers you don't like while your children are present.  Better yet, stop it all together!  Children mimic you.  Children learn from you.  Children are not born prejudice… they learn it.

Here is a suggestion.  Before your children start middle school, sit down and watch the movie "Never Been Kissed" starring Drew Barrymore.  Sit down and discuss it with you children.  I think it makes a good point.  I won't spoil it for you; you have to see it for yourself.


March 7, 2001
The Child With Special Needs :... Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth by Stanley I., Md. Greenspan, et al (Hardcover - January 1998)
The Irreducible Needs of Children: What... Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish by T. Berry, Md Brazelton, et al (Hardcover)