To Display the Flag of the United States

November 25, 2001

I am all for patriotism. I believe in this great country of ours. I vote. I pay my taxes. I agree with our government and I disagree with our government. I am an American.

What I do find slightly beyond patriotic, bordering extremist, is how our flag, the flag of the United States of America, is worn as clothing. Jackets, shirts, hats, caps, underwear, swimsuits. This list goes on. So, I did a little research and found that there is a United States code on how the flag is to be displayed. Guess what, using the flag as clothing is against the law. Plastering it all over your car is against the law. Go figure!

So, as a little educational lesson for our fellow readers I provide you a link to the U.S. code. You too can learn how much our patriotism actually breaks the law.

United States Code, Title 36, Section 175

United We Stand: Flying the American Flag
Flag Burning and Free Speech