9 November 2000

Idiots in Florida

I’m a Democrat and I say that you people in Florida who screwed up your vote are idiots!  How can you screw up?  Why don’t you admit you are stupid?  Take responsibility for your actions and not blame the "system" or how the ballots were printed.  Next time don’t rush through the ballot!


I saw the ballot on television for the first time last night.  Yes, it is a little confusing and it was stupid for them to print the ballot the way they did.  YOU voters are more stupid rushing through the ballot and just poking holes where you "think" it should be punched.  READ THE F___N THING!  I clearly saw the arrows pointing to the appropriate holes to be punched.  Why was it clear to me?  I READ the ballot!  Are you illiterate?

Remember those tests in school where you are instructed to READ the test all the way through before beginning?  Remember how you IGNORED the instructions so you can complete the test quickly?  Remember what happened when you got to the last question?  The whole class seemed to moan at the same time; the last question was to ignore the whole test and do not answer any of the previous questions.  Well, guess what?  That test just caught you in the ass again, just like when you were a kid. 

Now take responsibility for your own stupidity.  Don’t sue.  Don’t try and get a new election for your state.  You screwed up, not the writers of the ballots.  They could have made it a clearer ballot, but you were the ones who should have READ the thing.  You should have taken your time and double-checked which hole you were going to punch.  You could have turned in the incorrect ballot and asked for a new one.  This is not rocket science.  This is plain and simple stupidity.  Classic idiots.

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